KAS Adult Services


  • Cooperative programming with local colleges.
  • Community Inclusion and Behavioral Support services are available for the Pa. Adult Autism Waiver(AAW) participants. AAW services help individuals 21 and older to learn practical ways to navigate their world and foster independence. KAS can also offer this service to individuals not on the waiver 18 and older via private pay.
  • Every Thursday adults meet for a fun evening out. The plans change weekly so please check our schedule. KAS staff coordinate and participate in the plans the only cost may be the activity itself depending on the destination.To register and join the Thursday night social group please call the office at 814.824.4515.
  • KAS also hosts larger social events, a summer picnic for participants and their families and a Halloween party for teens and adults. Watch the schedule for new additions! Contact us at 814-824-4515 for more information.
  • Individual, Family, and Marital therapy are available and billable through insurance.