Waiver Services

Waiver Programs

KaleidAScope has been a provider for the Pennsylvania Adult Autism Waiver since 2009. More recently, KAS began providing In-Home and Community Support services through the Pennsylvania Person/Family Directed Support Waiver. Within the waivers, we currently provide a variety of person-centered services that support participant growth and foster independence.


Services Available

KAS offers a wide variety of services through both waivers. Most frequently utilized services include: Community Support, Behavior Support, Therapy, and Employment Support. Service availability is based on a number of factors that are reviewed as a team.


How to Get Started

Acceptance into the Adult Autism Waiver is handled by the through the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP) and applications are available by calling 1-866-539-7689.

Acceptance into the Pennsylvania Person/Family Directed Support Waiver is handled through local County Assistance Offices.